Community Guidelines

Welcome to our Hikma 503B social media community and thank you for engaging with us. We are happy to talk with you and hear what you have to say.

However, please be aware that due to the nature of our business there are certain topics that we can't engage in, such as our products, medical recommendations or treatment advice. This applies to all our social media platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Vimeo.

Please refrain from posting information on our social media platforms that relates to:

  • Our products or our competitors’ products. This includes anything related to current or pipeline products involving but not limited to usage, actions, indications, efficacy, safety, and/ or clinical trials
  • Health or medical advice
  • Information about the company or competitors that is of a confidential or proprietary nature or trade secrets
  • Inappropriate, offensive, obscene, or abusive content
  • False, misleading, or irrelevant information
  • Commercial messages, campaigns, or initiatives
  • Disruptive or recurring messages that could be considered as spam
  • The names of any employees or individuals, and/or other information that could allow anyone to identify the individual(s), such as an address, phone number, social insurance number, etc., unless those individuals have expressly consented to such use
  • Information plagiarized from another source

By following our community guidelines, we also expect you to comply with the terms of use of each channel where Hikma 503B is present, including  Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.

Our social media accounts are in English and we may not respond to your comments in other languages. Posts on our social media accounts should never be a substitution for professional medical advice. For the avoidance of doubt, Hikma 503B does not provide such advice through social media platforms. Always consult with your physician or medical professional for health, treatment or medical recommendations.

We have the right to remove comments or block users that do not adhere to or refuse to comply with our community guidelines.

We are not responsible for the postings and opinions of third parties on our social media accounts. We do not verify, approve or endorse the comments or any information posted by visitors and do not warrant their accuracy. We assume no responsibility or liability for any error, omission, defamation, libel, or slander. We are not responsible for the terms and conditions, privacy policy or content of any website accessed through third-party links or references in our posts.

Adverse Events or Side Effects

Our social media channels are not a forum to discuss any products or treatments or to report side effects associated with the use of our products. If you feel you have experienced an adverse medical event from one of our products, please contact our Pharmacovigilance team with further information or to report adverse reactions by clicking here.

Thank you for reading our guidelines for following our social media channels. We're excited to connect with you on our platforms.

Last Updated on January 26, 2023